Film packaging used to seal up products such as food, electronics, and many others is known as centrefold.
We offer centrefold film in a variety of thicknesses and widths and adhere to our quality standards. It is available in different widths and lengths. Our centrefold film has a C shape when closed.
Centrefold films are convenient for packaging because they can easily be sealed with common sealers, including the L-bar sealer and the I-bar sealer. Since the film is folded in half, the pocket created can be sealed after the contents are inserted. We can professionally brand and message your centrefold films, so you just need to unroll and place your package inside. Because centrefold film is C-shaped, it’s slightly easier to handle and store. If you want a wider sheet of poly, centrefold is the way to go because it will fully expand to fill your needs but then end up half the size when it’s in its roll form. It will be easier to handle and store centrefold films this way, as their size will be cut in half when being stored and handled